Trees for Centennial Secondary School
With a donation from Rotary Loves Trees and expert guidance from the Quinte Conservation Authority, the students in the Green Industries Course at Centennial Secondary planted some 20 trees and shrubs on the school grounds June 6.
The tree planting helped the students learn which native species do best in the Belleville area and more about how trees can beautify and protect our environment .
Student “F” had this to say about the plant, “ I had a great time planting trees today. We need more trees, Without them our world will never get better. I’m glad we have people in our community like Belleville Rotary and Quinte Conservation who were willing to donate the trees and their time to plant them at Centennial Secondary School.”
Student “M” commented, “Thank you to Rotary Loves Trees and to Maya Navrot from Quinte Conservation for helping our program at CSS! Taking our classroom goals and making them happen was possible because of their tree donation and time helping us plant at CSS. It was hard work, but I’m glad I got to be a part of it.”
Kate Vahrmeyer Hilmi, teacher of the Green Industries course, summed up the day by commenting, “it was a great experience that ties together multiple generations to help better the community of Belleville”.